
This policy applies to all intellectual property and registered trademarks owned by Fruugo.com Ltd and its affiliates. This policy outlines the use of the Fruugo Trademarks.

  1. The Fruugo Trademarks

    Fruugo dedicates substantial resources to the development and protection of its intellectual property.

    In addition to seeking registration of its trademarks and logos around the world, Fruugo enforces its rights against people who misuse its trademarks.

    Fruugo’s trademarks are owned by Fruugo and may only be used by Fruugo or with Fruugo’s prior written permission. You may not use or register, or otherwise claim rights in any Fruugo trademark, including as or as part of any trademark, service mark, company name, trade name, user name or domain registration.

    You should not use or claim rights in any trademark in a way that is confusingly similar to or dilutive of Fruugo’s trademarks, including as or as any part of, a trademark.

  2. The Fruugo name, text and logo

    The Fruugo name, text and graphic logo (“Fruugo Marks”) are registered internationally including the European Union, United Kingdom and United States. The marks include (but are not limited to) the following:


    The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not mean that we have waived our rights in that name or logo.

    The Fruugo Marks include Fruugo name and graphic logo, and indicate that Fruugo is the source of a product or service.

    Fruugo owns the exclusive rights to use the Fruugo Marks. The unauthorised use of the Fruugo trademarks are strictly prohibited by law, unless expressly authorised through a written license agreement provided by Fruugo.com Ltd.

    For any issues regarding intellectual property not owned by Fruugo, please refer to our Third Party Legal Complaints Policy.

  3. Use of the Fruugo Marks

    You must not use Fruugo’s marks without an express written license agreement from Fruugo. Fruugo does not permit the use of the Fruugo Marks (name or logo) in any of the following non-exhaustive circumstances. This not an exhaustive list of circumstances prohibiting use of the Fruugo Marks, all unauthorized use of the Fruugo Marks is prohibited without prior authorisation from Fruugo.

    a. Merchandise or Promotional Products
    Do not use the Fruugo Marks on any merchandise or promotional products, including but not limited to, t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, or stickers, without an express written license agreement from Fruugo.

    b. Defamatory Language
    Do not use the Fruugo Marks in a defamatory, disparaging or unlawful manner. You may speak openly and honestly to share your experiences on Fruugo, or tell others about products you have purchased on Fruugo. Please ensure that you are referring to Fruugo using plain text, and that you spell the Fruugo name correctly –not ‘Fruuugo’ or ‘frugo’ for example

    c. Business Cards
    Do not use the Fruugo Marks on your own business cards or leaflets. You may refer to Fruugo using plain text - “Check out the products which I sell on Fruugo”. Please make sure that you spell the Fruugo name correctly – not ‘Fruuugo’ or ‘frugo’ for example.

    d. Advertisements
    Do not use the Fruugo Marks in any advertisements, including adverts in an online store, or a physical store, newsletters, social media posts, promotional material, or press releases

    e. Affiliation or Sponsorship with Fruugo
    Do not use the Fruugo Marks in a way that could mislead others, or imply to others, that you are associated, sponsored or affiliated with Fruugo.

    f. Company Names
    Do not use the Fruugo Marks as part of a company name, a trademark, a product name, or a type of service.

    g. Domain Names and Websites
    Do not register, own, or sell any domain name which uses the Fruugo Marks, or any confusingly similar marks, without the express license agreement from Fruugo. Fruugo has registered a number of domain names and websites that are quite obviously misspellings of its own Fruugo Marks.

  4. Requesting permission to use the Fruugo Marks

    To enquire to use the Fruugo Marks in any way, please contact Fruugo Legal Team directly using the designated Legal Team email address legal@fruugo.com. Please include all details of how you intend to use the Fruugo Marks if permission is granted. We will respond to your enquiry.

  5. Legal Action

    Fruugo reserves all rights in respect to its Fruugo Marks and may pursue legal action, as appropriate, if a third party seeks to infringe these rights or otherwise takes action that is misusing the Fruugo Marks or is in any way dilutive of them. Any attempt to use or register obvious misspellings of the Fruugo Marks shall be treated as disingenuous and Fruugo may pursue legal action against you.

    Our rights, and those of our affiliates and suppliers, are protected by UK, European, and International intellectual property laws, including those for the protection of copyrights, trademarks, and database rights. Misuse of the Fruugo Marks may incur civil liability or attract criminal sanctions.